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We encourage our clients to have a point of view. Here are some of ours.

Mark Burns
Sep 17, 20192 min read
HOT TAKE: Stop Advertising. Do this instead.
Organizations spend a lot of energy shouting into the void. There are much more productive routes available.

John Sabine
Apr 2, 20193 min read
Austin 1099: Signs and Chants for Wrestlers' Rights
We support workers' rights. Here are some ways that fans can call out WWE's questionable treatment of independent contractors.

Mark Burns
Mar 7, 20192 min read
Set a Deadline Because Life is Finite
The concept of using a deadline is far more significant than just another productivity hack.

Mark Burns
Feb 6, 20193 min read
Respect the Jester, Revere Nothing
The jesters pioneered the art of irreverence, as they were granted freedom to speak blunt, brutal truth to power without repercussion.
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